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Low Light Houseplants for Indoors

Part of the joy of keeping houseplants is that you can enjoy them year-round when the weather may be dark and dreary outside. Knowing which plants can survive with less light can help you plan your plant placement in your home and add to your indoor plant collection at the same time. Because many indoor plants are from tropical areas, they are used to being sheltered from the direct sunlight deep within the jungle by taller plants and trees. You want to mimic the native jungle habitat as much as possible.
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Many plants can’t live in sunnier spots, because they will dry out and their leaves can scorch. All plants need at least a little bit of light to survive, so don’t leave your plant in total darkness.

If you put your plant in a low-light position, it means no direct sunlight will reach its leaves. This means it is probably a few feet away from a window or other light source.

In the winter when sunlight is minimal, consider repositioning your plants according to the season and weather. Exposure to south-facing windows that are normally too bright for many indoor plants might be suitable during the winter months. 

Grow Lights for Houseplants
Grow lights can be added indoors to help stimulate photosynthesis for your plants when they can’t receive enough natural light.

Watering Needs for Low Light Plants
You’ll actually water low light plants less than their neighbor plants in direct light, because they grow slower and don’t lose as much water from their soil. Allow the soil to dry out a bit between waterings to avoid root rot.

Fertilizing Low Light Plants
Many low-light plants don’t need a lot of fertilizer. Consider applying a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer during the spring and fall when the plant is doing most of its growing.