Cultured is temporarily closed as we undergo changes. Keep an eye on your email or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when we re-open!

Variegated Philodendron Florida Green

Some sports are so rare that there is no market reference for pricing. For these plants, we leave it to you to decide!

1. You must be a registered user to place a bid. Register or Log-in here.
2. You must have a credit card saved in your account.

Why do I have to enter credit card details to make an offer?
To ensure the safety and authenticity of all offers, Cultured requires registration of a credit or debit card through Stripe. Stripe will store your payment details in a safe and secure process and your future payments – in case of winnings – will be encrypted. By adding a credit card you authorize us to charge it for the costs of the item won and all related charges including shipping and taxes. The debit will take place at the end of the auction.



  1. Orders are limited to two (2) Variegated Plant Shop plants per household for the first week after each plant drop. We love your enthusiasm, but we want everyone to get a share! Additional plants will be cancelled for separate orders to the same household or orders containing 3 or more plants. Applies ONLY to the Variegated Shop plants shown below, so feel free to rack up your cart with other goodies.
  2. No flipping. Variegated Plant Shop products are trademarked and reselling is NOT permitted. We keep our prices low to get more plants into the hands of plant enthusiasts. We are active on MANY online plant groups and Facebook. Customers caught reselling or flipping products will not be able to purchase from Cultured in the future. NOTE: This does not apply to cuttings. Cuttings from your purchased plants can be sold at any time.
  3. Shop wisely. Due to the unpredictable nature of sport mutations, we cannot guarantee plants will not revert.
  4. MEMBER EARLY ACCESS: Members get early shopping access. You will receive an email with the release time and link to this page. Many plants sell out quickly, so we encourage you to check in as soon as the drop starts. NOTE: Individuals who were on the old waitlist have been grandfathered into the Shop and will still receive email announcements.
  5. IMPORTANT: Be sure to add “[email protected]” to your email contact list so that the drop alerts are not diverted to spam.


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