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Philodendron Gloriosum



Philodendron gloriosum has been a staple for plant collectors everywhere. This crawling plant is native to the rainforests of Columbia and loved for its large, sweeping velvet leaves and deep vein accents. But most importantly, it’s an easy-going plant that doesn’t require much care! A great choice for beginning plant enthusiasts who want to try their hand at rare plants. Pot in well-draining soil and water ever 1-2 weeks (more frequently if placed in bright, indirect light). Leaves increase in size as the plant matures,


Pet Guidance

Care Requirements

Plant Color

Light Needs


Photos are for reference only. You will be shipped a plant of the same quality. Ceramic pot not included.

Plants are shipped Mondays and Wednesdays to minimize transit delays that can occur closer to the weekend. Orders placed Thursday through Sunday will ship Monday. Orders placed Monday or Tuesday will ship Wednesday.

Care Tips for Philodendron gloriosum

Toxic if consumed. Keep out of reach of pets and small children.

Soil: Cultured Sustainable Aroid Soil for Tropical Plants

Humidity: For best results, grow in humid to moist conditions with a humidifier, water tray, or mist several times a week.

Light: Moderate to partial sunlight, but keep out of harsh direct afternoon sun.

Fertilizer: Slow-release fertilizer during growing season or balanced liquid fertilizer weekly or 2x a week. Do not fertilize in winter.


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